May Day Trading Schedule 2021

With Labour Day, 3rd May fast approaching we would like to inform you that the trading schedule will be subject to change. 

Friday 30th April – UK Index will close at 23.00 GMT. 

Monday 3rd May – UK Index will be closed. 

Tuesday 4th May – UK Index will re-open as normal. 

Rest assured we will continue to provide trading and support services as normal. 

From all of us at Errante, we wish you a Happy Labour Day! 

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact one of our support team members via our Live Chat or email [email protected]

We are Errante. Trading made personal. 

Errante is regulated by the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA) under license number [SD038]. 

To find out more about Errante, visit 

